

Data types and nodes


Installing GeoData Manager

Tutorial: Creating a file and a graph of steamfield monthly production

Data sets at Steamfield: Production have steam, brine and total flow rates, but not cumulative totals. This tutorial shows how to use a Process/3D option to calculate cumulative totals, then use Multiple Graph to display them.

Creating the file with Process/3D

  1. In the sample database, go to the node Steamfield: Production.

  2. In the filter bar, click and click Default Filter in case the filter was different.

  3. Select production data sets of type PWD and IWD: In the filter bar, Well Test Type is already PWD. Click the to the right of Well Test Type and click IWD in the list to add IWD wells.

  4. Click Tag All:

  5. Click Process/3D:

    Click Summed flows and cumulative mass averaged over a time step and click OK. We will later choose one month as the time step, to get monthly production. Now answer some questions ...

  6. Dates ?

    Enter the start and end dates for the report.

  7. Type of report ?

    For this, double-click Months.

  8. Time interval ?

    For this, the default (1) is right (the time step is one month). Click OK.

  9. The result is a csv file: select a folder and file name and click OK. Here is a part of the file, opened in a spreadsheet:

    As expected, it has a row for each month, and each row has flow rates and cumulative masses, summed for all wells.

Creating the graph with Multiple Graph

You now want to view the data in the file. One option would be to use an external program, like a spreadsheet, to print a report. A better option is to use Geodata Manager's Multiple Graph to display a graph, then output the graph. To use Multiple Graph: